Defining My Viable
/For many years, my overall business goal was to have a vibrant and viable business.
My strategy to achieve this was to invest in many business courses, programs, trainings, books, mastermind, circles and coaching. I spend hours learning from the ‘experts’ what I ‘should’ do. Yet, my business never seemed to measure up. I felt a sense of disappointment in myself and even questioned my offerings and vowed to do better next year.
Then, I had a pivotal moment.
I decided to stop striving to thrive.
I know - very counter intuitive. The funny thing is - I started to feel like I was thriving.
My secret? I decided to reframe my definition of success.
I paused. I took stock of what was working. I reconnected to what I enjoyed doing. I took time to really listen to what my clients were saying about my coaching and facilitation style. I stopped comparing myself to other ‘successful’ coaches. I removed the pressure of an expectation to earn 6 (even a 5) figure amount. And, I found new ways to express the value of what I have to offer.
I defined my viable.
When I removed the exhausting fight to strive to thrive, I found richness in the stillness of letting my true value and worth reveal itself to me. I found ‘profit’ in non-traditional ways that exceeded my expectations and even an increase in financial profit.
Here is how I now define my viable. My business provides:
Way to share my life’s purpose
An outlet for my creativity
Connections and community
The means to continue for my course taking habit - expanding my personal development and education
Me with the technology I want
A platform to share ideas, and original content, and
The ability to determine the pace and content of my day.
I’m curious if my story resonates with you. How do you define your viable when it comes to your business?
Let’s start a conversation.