My Elegant Eight for 2018 1/3/2018

Happy New Year, dear reader.

Do you set New Year resolutions?

Do you choose a word of the year or start a new venture in the first week?

I do choose a word/phrase of the year – or rather I let it choose me. For 2018 it is Open Delight. I have yet to unpack the deeper meaning behind this choice, but then I have a whole year ahead to see what reveals itself.
And yup – I’m a new venture kinda girl. This year I am taking my Ayurveda and Yoga Coaching certification with Carrie Hensley, and offering one of my own along with Kathy Kane – Your Creative Edge 2018 for women entrepreneurs. 
With regard to New Year resolutions, I’ve tried to release the need to set them – but I still think about them. It’s hard not to. This year I came up with a combination of resolution/intention and ideal day all wrapped up in one. I call it My Elegant Eight for 2018.
These are eight things I would like to strive to meet each day.

  1. EASE into my day. This includes a morning routine connected to my Ayurveda training.


  3. EAT mindfully. No more diets or restrictions – instead I want to learn to eat more mindfully. I want to rediscover the connection and joy of eating food without judgment or censor.

  4. ENJOY life and all the many blessings and experiences it has to offer.

  5. EXPRESS myself through my art and creativity.

  6. EXPAND my capacity to serve.

  7. ELEVATE my thoughts and connections.

  8. ENHANCE my surroundings. This includes being a good steward to the land, and also reducing clutter in my home.

I think these are doable. I find the alliteration playful so I'm more likely to stick with them. Now to see how 2018 unfolds and if it will be elegant!

How do you greet the New Year so full of possibilities? Comment below - I'd love to hear your process.
Wishing you a wonderful New Year.