Connect. Converse. Create. Celebrate.
Do you need:
Relief from the pressure of time …
Space to lean into something you’re really interested in …
Connection and community that’s as convenient to access as opening your computer …
Encouragement to engage your imagination - find inspiration …
An invitation to follow your intuition.
Will you be one of 5 women to join this
14 week creative circle?
Your Creative Edge 2020 is a cosy, comfortable circle brimming with great conversations and new connections. It’s a creative container filled with a variety of workshops, a book study, journaling, book making, and mini KMI Master Minds™. We don’t just talk we also designate time to take action on something of your choice during Creative Work - Inspired Play™ sessions. To personalize the experience further you will receive two individual coaching sessions and lots of little extras.
Circle is FULL
I'm considering opening a second circle on Mondays if there is sufficient interest. Click on the link below if you are interested.
Early bird price of $899 good till January 19 - regular price $998
The second YCE 2020 circle would begin on Monday, February 3, 2020 and end on Monday, May 11, 2020
Zoom Calls from 1 - 3 p.m. ET
“Safe and inspiring container for exploring one’s creativity as well as a super supportive group and sounding board for helping to deal with any issues/desires in life in general. The process works gently yet deeply, like water on rock. I found my own thinking expanding and my commitment to pursuing my own heart’s desires deepening.”
Your Creative Edge 2020 is an invitation to connect with your creative spirit.
You will set your own pace and path to navigate the pages of the book Reclaiming the Wild Soul: How Earth’s Landscapes Restore Us to Wholeness by Mary Reynolds Thompson
Use journaling and mini KMI Master Minds™ to bring greater meaning and deeper insight to your discoveries
You will play, create, get “messy” and inspired as you transform ordinary household objects into vessels to contain your ideas and inspiration aka mini books
Learn new tools and topics with a series of workshops, including participate led workshops.
Designated time to be creative with 30 minutes of shared, supported space to use in a way that’s most meaningful to you
Your Creative Edge™ 2020 is a space and a place
to connect, converse, create and celebrate.
Your Creative Edge™ 2020 is like a bubble in the fabric of the time-space continuum. It’s a creative oasis in your busy week. It’s a space and a place to gather just as you are - to take an intentional pause, to relax, refresh and focus on you.
Each week we will gather via Zoom (a free, introvert and user friendly video conferencing app). Each session will have the same flow using the KMI Model™ of facilitation to create a comfortable, flexible structure including:
Book Exploration and mini KMI Master Mind™
This year the members of Your Creative Edge 2020 will explore and experience their own connection to their creativity through a self-paced exploration of this book. The book is divided up into 5 landscapes with short chapters and exercises to experience. Each week there is an invitation to dive deeper, share or seek answers through a mini KMI Master Mind™. A copy of the book and a paper journal is included with your membership.
Weekly Workshops
The workshops are an integral part of YCE 2020. This year you will learn to make a series of mini ‘beta’ books. Learn a little about Ayurveda, Yoga Nidra, mini painting projects, and more. There are also participant led workshops - where those who want get to share their skills and interests. The workshops are about being in the process, and learning through play and experimentation.
Creative Work - Inspired Play™ Sessions
The last 30 minutes of each week will be designated for you to take action on whatever you want. Space is held to continue a workshop theme, read a chapter, journal or something else that could use a little bit of intentional focused time. We hold space for each other, declare our intention and then get to work. Best of all are the celebratory cheers for everything that was accomplished - big or small. It really is amazing what can be accomplished in a shared and supported time slot.
Two Individual Coaching Sessions
Coaching sessions are a time to focus on what you need. You will receive two - sixty minute coaching sessions with me with email follow ups. My coaching style is a blend of my various coaching certifications and experiences. My goal is always to meet you where you are and help you get to where you want to be. To learn more about my qualifications click on the About Mary button on this page.
Little Extras
I like to pay attention to the little things that can increase your enjoyment of this experience. Included are:
Weekly Recaps, Resources and Reminders
Private online page for additional shared content
Personal Portals to keep all YCE 2020 materials in one place
A copy of the book
And a few surprises!
“Deep diving. Supportive. Expansive, allowing for exploration of new thoughts and habits and ideas, and the practical ways all of that can be incorporated into day-to-day life. Awareness. Encouragement. Positive in a way that is real, not in a phony, surface-looking “just think positively and everything will be fine” way. It was a really special group of generous, loving women.”
What is Your Creative Edge™ and why I offer it?
Your own personal creative edge is unique to you. It is that space in time when things fall into place as if by magic, ideas manifest and results are achieved effortlessly.
A creative edge may be curved and flowing rather than hard and sharp. But like any edge, it can become dull over time or with lack of use. It needs time and attention to keep it healthy and finely tuned. It sometimes needs to be nudged in new directions and other times focus and fulfillment. When you operate from your creative edge you are able to make conscious choices about the direction of your life with confidence and clarity.
I work with women who want to make CLEAR, CONFIDENT and CREATIVE choices in their personal and professional lives. Your Creative Edge™ provides a platform that gathers women like yourself who want to deepen their connection to their creative power and share in and contribute to the collective wisdom that a supportive circle provides.
Your Creative Edge™ - the program, is an invitation to invest in yourself and what is important to you. It’s an intimate and facilitated gathering of like minded souls who together offer different perspectives, experiences and ideas. It's about making connections and collaborating from the comfort of your own computer. Clarifying your ideas, projects and process and igniting your creativity and potential. It’s about having meaningful conversations and celebrating the small steps along the way.
It’s about:
Discovering new perspectives and ideas
Experimenting with making art through playful projects
Exploring your personal connection with creativity
Gifting yourself time and space
This is for you if …
You want to invest in yourself and your creativity
You seek connection and community - perhaps you work from home or are looking to connect with like-minded souls.
You are available to meet online via Zoom for 2 hours each week on Thursdays from 1:00 pm - 3:00 ET for 14 weeks
You like to open to new ideas and perspectives
You enjoy meaningful and thought provoking conversations
You want to strengthen your creative muscle in a playful, non-judgemental way
You are ready to discover and sharpen your creative edge!
I'm considering opening a second circle on Mondays if there is sufficient interest. Click on the link below if you are interested.
Early bird price of $899 good till January 19 - regular price $998
The second YCE 2020 circle would begin on Monday, February 3, 2020 and end on Monday, May 11, 2020
Zoom Calls from 1 - 3 p.m. ET
“I think the YCE group ended up being an anchor for me – I was always able to take something positive and useful away from the workshops and coaching, and the masterminds gave me a chance to share ideas and get support from a wonderful group of women.”
“I liked everything:) I think you kept us on track but also always encouraged us to contribute/share more and to move beyond our boundaries. I also felt you created such a great, safe container:)”