Are you looking for Connection, Conversation, Creativity, Community, Comfort and Clarity?
REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED as the circle is full.
Your Creative Edge™ 2019 is an opportunity to come together with other women in an intimate and creative community for connection and conversations. It has the comfortable feel and trust of a circle, with 8 mini facilitated KMI Master Minds™, 4 workshops, a 12 week book study, 4 Creative Work – Inspired Play™ sessions - time to take action on something that is important, art journaling and 2 individual coaching sessions.
This year the program is 16 weeks long, beginning
Thursday, February 7 and ending Thursday, May 23, 2019.
What is Your Creative Edge?
Your own personal creative edge is unique to you. It’s that something special that you feel when you are in your creative zone - when things fall into place as if by magic, ideas manifest and results are achieved effortlessly.
But like any edge, it can be dull over time or with lack of use. It needs time and attention to keep it sharp and well honed. It is likely curved and flowing - not hard and sharp. It may even have a mind of its own and possibly its own timezone!
Your Creative Edge™ - the program, is an invitation to invest in yourself and what is important to you. It’s an intimate and facilitated gathering of like minded souls who together offer different perspectives, experiences and ideas. It's about making connections and collaborating from the comfort of your own computer. Clarifying your ideas, projects and process and igniting your creativity and potential.
You will:
Learn new creative tools
Discover new perspectives and ideas
Build a sustainable momentum towards your own goal or desired outcome
And so much more …
This is for you if …
You want to invest in yourself and make progress towards what is really important to you.
You seek connection and community - perhaps you work from home or are looking to connect with like-minded souls.
You are available to meet online via Zoom for 90 minutes a week Thursdays from 1 pm - 2:30 ET for 16 weeks
You like to learn new tools and discover new ideas
You are ready to discover and sharpen your creative edge!
REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED as the circle is full.
“I think the YCE group ended up being an anchor for me – I was always able to take something positive and useful away from the workshops and coaching, and the masterminds gave me a chance to share ideas and get support from a wonderful group of women.”
Your Creative Edge 2019 includes:
8 Mini KMI Master Minds™
Harness the creative power of the circle to focus on an idea or issue of your choice. You may want to brainstorm, or ask for feedback, suggestions or just feel the need to be heard while you think out loud, without judgement or the risk of criticism.
A KMI Master Mind™ is process focused, not results driven. It is steeped in Kaizen philosophy and the creative process. Through small questions and gentle accountability you will find clarity and sustainable momentum as you move towards you goal or desired outcome.
4 Workshops
4 of our circles will be workshops. In the first workshop, you will start your visual art journal. This will be a container that you can continue to add to throughout the circle. The other 3 workshops are customized to the members. They may include creativity, self-care, productivity or mind set based themes. They are also an opportunity for members to share and present.
12 Week Book Study: The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal Life by Rosamund and Benjamin Zander
One of the new features added to Your Creative Edge this year is a 12 week book study. The book is divided into 12 chapters, each with a concept or tool to be explored, experienced and then discussed. Twelve easily digestible chapters covering twelve “Practices in Possibility. A digital copy of the book is included with your membership.
4 Creative Work - Inspired Play™ Sessions
These four sessions are designed for you to take action towards your desired goal or outcome. We hold space for each other, declare our intention and then get to work. You may wish to use this as a time to brainstorm or to get something started or completed. You might want to use this time to get to a task you have been putting off, like bookkeeping or decluttering - thereby clearing time, space and energy for later to work on your desired project or task. It really is amazing what can be accomplished in a shared and supported time slot.
Visual Journaling
Another new addition this year will be the creating of a visual container in the form of an art journal for our time together. In the first workshop I will be sharing ideas for setting up your journal but ultimately you can use it any way you want. It is meant to be an interactive creative playground that holds your ideas, a-ha’s, insights, experiences and memories of YCE 2019. One that will be a joy to revisit as time goes by.
An art journal is included with your membership. You may wish to purchase a few simple art supplies - that just depends on how fancy you want to make yours!
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash
2 Individual Coaching Sessions
You will receive two - sixty minute coaching sessions with me. One early on - perhaps even before we begin, depending on timing - and the second either part way through or towards the end of May - based on your need and preferred timing.
Coaching sessions are a time to focus on what you need. My coaching style is a blend of my various coaching certifications and experiences. My goal is always to meet you where you are and help you get to where you want to be. To learn more about my qualifications click on the About Mary button below.
REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED as the circle is full.
“In a world of online offerings, Your Creative Edge is unique. YCE gave me creative tools, a mastermind model that allowed our small community of caring women to give and receive support (with time set aside to take actual small steps towards progress), and custom presentations to suit our needs—all topped off with individual coaching sessions. KMI masterminding and coaching are gentle and supportive, but the combination equals results. I’m feeling much more on point than I was last year at this time!”